The Company Morn Media Limited was incorporated with the name "Jagran Limited" on 19.07.1983 and has registered office at Jagran Building, 2, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur. The company was incorporated to carry on the business of printing and publications of newspapers and periodicals.
The Company was initially listed in Delhi Stock Exchange Association Limited (DSE) and Uttar Pradesh Stock Exchange Limited (UPSE). Subsequently, DSE & UPSE were de-recognised and the Company got itself listed with Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited (MSEIL) w.e.f December 7, 2015.
Further, the Company and Jagran Prakashan Limited executed a business purchase agreement dated July 5,2000. Prior to the said agreement, the Company published certain editions of Dainik Jagran. Pursuant to the said agreement, Jagran Prakashan Limited acquired, on a lock, stock and barrel basis, from the Company the entire undertaking for publication of the newspaper.
As the entire printing and publication business of the Company was taken over by Jagran Prakashan Limited with effect from 1st April, 2000 as a going concern an Lock, Stock and Barrel basis, Jagran Limited currently is not carrying any business activities. On 11.11.2014, name of Jagran Limited was changed to "Morn Media Limited".
The Corporate Identification Number of the Company is L22121UP1983PLC006177